This bag has a nice, sleek design and lots of pockets for organising all of your smaller items.One thing I really love about it is that the entire bag completely folds into one of the end pockets, compressing down to a small package that can be easily stored when not in use. Our previous weekend holdall could not do this so was always stored under the bed gathering dust between uses, which meant it needed cleaning each time we got it out. We won‘t have this issue with this bag.
The zip pocket at the other end of the bag contains a large compartment for storing wet/muddy shoes, keeping these away from clothes and other items. This will save having to remember to add a plastic bag to your gym kit through the winter. It is more than big enough to fit my size 8 trainers with ease.
There is also an insulated pocket on the outside of one of the long side pockets. It's not terribly big though so you won't fit much in there.
The shoulder strap feels comfortable with the extra padding. I would prefer the attachment hooks at each end to be made of metal rather than plastic, although to be fair the plastic does seem very sturdy so should be fine.